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Tag search results for: "brad pine"
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Ahneen, Tansi, Sago, Hello

We have put together a list of the commonly asked questions from our social media pages and conversations we have had with people at conferences during our promotional tours. We will start with the Biggest and most often asked question;

Question 1) Is Rezfox only for Indigenous People?

Brad: In the beginning the general consensus was that it was, a Native website created by a Native company it must be just for Natives right?. Well, WRONG!, Rezfox was created by a Native company for Native people to connect online and share their culture, lifestyles, trials and tribulations with each other including Non-Natives. Rezfox is not just a dating site or friend finding, Rezfox was created to foster communication between all Nations to help breakdown the stereotypes and negative impact of these stereotypes. Communication between all Nations is key, Native or Non-Natives we all have a story to tell, and this will help us all. So, Everyone is welcome to join and learn about our fascinating cultures.

Question 2) I have heard you talk about Rezfox's 3L philosophy, can you explain this in more detail?

Brad:  Yes, Of course. The 3L's stand for Live, Love and Learn

Live, Live life to the fullest, climb your mountain.

Love, Love unconditionally, you can only learn to love by loving, and

Learn, learn everyday, learn about cultures, places, people, this will help stop the stereotypes imposed on all Cultures, Native or Non-Native.

Question 3) I know you have a PWA app (Progressive Web App) which basically means the Rezfox's website when used on your smartphone will automatically adapt the Rezfox website to acted like a App. Do you plan on developing a App that you could download from a app store in the future?

Brad: Yes! We are currently finalizing the build and the new Rezfox app will be in your app store end of year. We are very excited about this and will have some really cool features and uses. We have brought our prices down to help people access the app more and there still is the free options. We have added our "Weekender/Powwow" package where you can get full VIP access for 3 days for less then a Starbucks coffee. Think about this, you go to the Gathering of Nations powwow and there are 20,000+ Natives, how do you find like minded people??? well, pull out your smartphone and Rezfox app, hit the search button. Every person on the Rezfox app in your desired distance and current location will show up and you can connect with whoever you wish. (Don't be a creeper) This is a great feature to find someone that wants to learn, wants to date, wants to be chat.

Question 4) Talking about Creepers, how does a person keep themselves safe while using the app?

Brad: Well, in this powwow scenario you couldn't ask for a better or safe situation. Number one, you are with a lot of people in a public place and two, you can meet them in person and see what their vibe is. We also have the "Blocking" feature and at anytime you can logout of app if you think someone is creepy. Just like meeting someone in any other place, be smart,. You can also video chat first with the person this is always a good idea.  Just watch for the Red flags.

Question 5) Let's talk about Tomahawk 141 radio, you have it playing on the Rezfox website will it be on the new app?

Brad: Yes, we had such a great response from Rezfox users that we will be adding it to the app. Tomahawk 141 is a great way to listen to Indigenous music while hearing mainstream music. Tomahawk 141 plays One Indigenous artist followed by Non-Native mainstream artist, get it? One 4 one? Anyways, listeners love this format and it keeps them engaged. We are adding more shows to the station "Powwow Trail" "Barn Burner" etc in the near future. Being a No-Talk radio station gives us a lot of time to showcase our Indigenous talent and squeeze in more music.

Thanks for the time, we will be asking more question in the near future so stay tuned and stay safe!




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